Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday

Jadon knows these days very well. He knows Sunday because that is the day we take out our trash. This is important because it means that Monday is the next day. And Monday means that the garbage man comes. Jadon wakes up bright and early, gets dressed and waits for the garbage man.

He LOVES, LOVES, LOVES --did I mention he LOVES watching the garbage man (Michael).

We wave to him

And thank him for his hard work

In return, Michael takes away our garbage --especially our diapers. (Jadon points out this fact on a near daily basis everytime we change him or Arrielle. He says, "diapers for garbage man.") He then dumps all of the collected garbage into the big bin. This is Jadon's favorite part!
When it's all over we tell him to have a nice day and wave goodbye!

Wednesday means we go the library for storytime. When we pull into the parking lot, Jadon shouts, "librrrarry, librrrarry". He loves story time because he gets to dance, sing, and kind-of listen to the stories.

Here is Jadon dancing with his friend Micah looking on.

All the while, Arrielle just hangs out and watches her big bro.

I truly love our weekly routines!

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