Friday, December 3, 2010

Four Months

I can’t believe that so much time has passed since Arrielle’s arrival. She’s already four months and it seems like yesterday, I was going to the hospital in horrific labor pains. It’s been amazing to see this little girl grow and develop a personality. She is such a sweet little girl-- she's constantly smiling. She LOVES to eat and watch her brother play. And although she’s not as “cuddly” as Jadon was (she likes to sit straight up to see what’s going on), she loves to be held. She talks A LOT –I can’t wait until she actually forming words. We’re going to have to little chatter boxes in the house.

She is also very assertive –she knows what she likes and has no problem letting us know. This afternoon I put her down for a nap. There was a pacifier in her crib that she doesn’t like very much but I thought, “hey, it’s here let me put it in her mouth”. I left the room and returned three times to reinsert the paci becaue she kept spitting it out. Each time she spit it out she cried louder, and louder. By the fourth time I went downstairs and got her favorite paci (it was in her car seat and I was too lazy to go down and get it before her nap.) I put it in her mouth and –no kidding—she began sucking on it and immediately began drifting off to sleep. Her name means, “lioness of God” in Hebrew and we think she’s going to be a firecracker!

It’s amazing how God has expanded my heart to love her so much. As and only child, I wasn’t quite sure how to love more than one and I hadn’t seen it demonstrated in my home because there was only me. But it is crazy how soon your mind and heart adjusts. I don’t really remember what it was like to not have her around the house.

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